PSRS/PEERS News Archive


2020 Board Election Ballots Have Mailed – Don’t Forget to Vote!

Official ballots for the 2020 Board Election mailed from an outside election service via First Class mail on April 23.

Investment Environment Update

Investment Update: COVID-19, the Economy, the Markets and PSRS/PEERS

PSRS and PEERS have weathered many challenging investment environments in the last 75 years, including the stock market crash of 1987, the bursting of the dot-com bubble in the early 2000’s, the 9/11 attacks in 2001 and the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2007 and 2008. However, as we move further into the coronavirus pandemic, it is evident that this event is different.


Don't Forget to Vote! Board of Trustees Election Ballots Mail April 23

Two positions on the PSRS/PEERS Board of Trustees are up for election. PSRS/PEERS utilizes an outside election services company, which will mail all eligible PSRS/PEERS members and retirees a voting ballot on April 23.

a photo of the Board of Trustees Meeting Room prior to the February 2019 meeting

April 2020 Board Meeting

The April 6, 2020 meeting of the Public School and Education Employee Retirement Systems of Missouri (PSRS/PEERS) Board of Trustees convened via videoconference at 9 a.m.

man at desk with telephone ear-piece

PSRS/PEERS Positioned to Serve Membership

During these unprecedented times, organizations are asking themselves, “Are we positioned to continue to serve our customers; remain operational?” Many are not. PSRS/PEERS most definitely is. We are operational. We are serving our members and employers. We will pay retirement benefits on time.

global investment markets

Confidence in Your Benefit During Challenging Times

Stock markets throughout the world have declined rapidly in 2020 due to a stunning confluence of events: the spread of the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus), a global price war over oil and the threat of a global recession. Stock markets have generally declined close to 35% in the last six weeks.

market chart

Coronavirus and the Investment Environment

In recent weeks, the COVID-19 virus (more commonly referred to as “the coronavirus”) has spread throughout the world. If the rate of spread in the United States is comparable to that of other nations, the number of reported cases in the U.S. could increase substantially in the next few months.

PSRS/PEERS building located at 3210 W Truman Blvd, Jefferson City, MO 65109

Member and Staff Health a Top Priority

As the world continues to monitor the changes and impact of the Coronavirus, PSRS/PEERS is proactively putting procedures in place to protect the health and well-being of our members and staff; and to ensure monthly retirement benefits are paid on time.

market symbols dsiplayed on a large digital billboard

Coronavirus Impact on PSRS/PEERS

Concern continues to grow across the nation about the spread of the novel coronavirus and the impact it is having on the financial markets and personal safety. PSRS/PEERS wants to emphasize to all our members that your retirement benefits remain secure.

February 2020 PSRS/PEERS Board of Trustees meeting

February 2020 Board Meeting Summary

The February 10, 2020 meeting of the Public School and Education Employee Retirement Systems of Missouri (PSRS/PEERS) Board of Trustees convened at 9 a.m. at the PSRS/PEERS office in Jefferson City, MO.