Determining Post-Retirement Work Limits

The limits that apply depend on your employer and, in some cases, whether the position in which you are employed as a retiree requires you to have a certificate issued by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).

Pro-Rated Work Limits

The limits discussed on this website are full-school-year limits. If you retire in a month other than July, work limits are pro-rated (lower) during the first school year after retirement. You will receive a letter containing your personal limit(s) when your employer reports to us that you have returned to work as a retiree.

If you work in more than one position as a retiree, you may be subject to multiple work limits.

If your work after retirement does not fall into one of the categories below, it may not be subject to limits. For specific information or questions, please feel free to contact us.

  • Certificated Positions at K-12 School Districts

    As a PSRS retiree, you can work on a part-time basis or as a temporary-substitute for a PSRS-covered K-12 school district or educational association in any position(s) that requires a DESE-issued certificate with limits on the number of hours you can work and the salary you can earn each school year. 

    As long as you do not exceed either the hourly or salary limit, and do not become a full-time, regular employee, you will continue to receive your PSRS benefits.

    If you are working in Critical Shortage employment, your limits are different.

    Limit on Hours

    • You can work for a combined maximum of 550 hours each school year (July 1 - June 30).
    • Hours that you volunteer while also working for the same employer in a paid position that is subject to limits on both hours and salary will count toward your hourly limit if the duties performed while volunteering and working are not substantially different.

    Limit on Salary

    • Within the 550 hours, you can earn up to 50% of the annual compensation payable under the employer’s salary schedule for the position or positions, given your level of work experience and education.
    • Any employer-paid health, dental or vision insurance premiums for you, the member, payouts for unused leave, and any other payments or incentives received as a result of the employment count toward this salary limit.
    • If you fill more than one position subject to limits on both hours and salary, the 50% salary limit is based on the annual salary of the highest paid position in which you work at least 20% of your total hours during the school year. 
  • Non-Certificated Positions at K-12 School Districts

    Unless you are working in Critical Shortage Employment, non-DESE-certificated part-time work for a PSRS-covered K-12 school district or educational association is subject to the following salary limit. 

    Hours are not limited.

    Limit on Salary

    • You can earn up to $29,685.60 during the 2024-2025 school year.
    • The annual salary limit is set by Missouri law and represents 133% of the Social Security earnings limit for persons under full retirement age. Any employer-paid health, dental or vision insurance premiums for you  (the member), payouts for unused leave, and any other payments or incentives received as a result of the employment count toward this salary limit unless you are working for the same employer in a certificated position subject to limits on both hours and salary. In such case, your insurance premiums will count toward your salary limit for the certificated position.
    • If you fill more than one non-certificated position at a covered K-12 school district or educational association, your combined, total salary limit is still $29,685.60.
  • Work for Third-Party Providers

    As a PSRS retiree, you may work for a third-party provider (staffing agency) performing your work at a PSRS-covered school district. If that work requires a DESE-issued certificate, it is subject to limits on hours and salary.

    Limit on Hours

    • You can work for a combined maximum of 550 hours each school year (July 1 - June 30).

    Limit on Salary

    • If your certificated post-retirement work is performed solely for a third-party provider, your salary is limited to a maximum of $16,500 per year. This figure is 50% of the minimum salary set by DESE for a full-time teacher with a master’s degree and at least 10 years of public teaching experience.
    • If, in addition to your work for a third-party provider, you also work directly for a PSRS-covered employer(s) in a certificated position, your salary limit is calculated differently, based on the annual compensation payable under the covered employer’s salary schedule and your level of education and experience. Please contact us for more information.

    Non-certificated work for third-party providers is not subject to limits and will not impact the payment of your PSRS benefits.

  • Work as an Independent Contractor

    As a PSRS retiree, you may work as an independent contractor for a PSRS-covered school district. If that work requires a DESE-issued certificate, it is subject to limits on hours and salary.

    Limit on Hours

    • You can work for a combined maximum of 550 hours each school year (July 1 - June 30).

    Limit on Salary

    • If your certificated post-retirement work is performed solely as an independent contractor, your salary is limited to a maximum of $16,500 per year. This figure is 50% of the minimum salary set by DESE for a full-time teacher with a master’s degree and at least 10 years of public teaching experience.
    • If, in addition to your work as an independent contractor, you also work directly for a PSRS-covered employer(s) in a certificated position, your salary limit is calculated differently, based on the annual compensation payable under the covered employer’s salary schedule and your level of education and experience. Please contact us for more information.

    Non-certificated work as an independent contractor is not subject to limits and will not impact the payment of your PSRS benefits.

  • Work for Community Colleges

    All part-time or temporary substitute work performed by PSRS retirees for covered public two-year (community) college is subject to limits on hours and salary, regardless of position.

    As long as you do not exceed either the hourly or salary limit, and do not become a full-time, regular employee, you will continue to receive your PSRS benefits.

    If you are working in Critical Shortage employment, your limits are different.

    Limit on Hours

    • You can work for a combined maximum of 550 hours each school year (July 1 - June 30).
    • Hours that you volunteer while also working for the same employer in a paid position that is subject to limits on both hours and salary will count toward your hourly limit if the duties performed while volunteering and working are not substantially different.
    • If your post-retirement work includes time teaching at a PSRS-covered public two-year college, you must convert the credit hours you teach to clock hours in order to track your progress against this limit. The simple conversion is one credit hour equals 30 clock hours. You will receive more information on the conversion formula when you return to work, along with other information on how to track your hours.

    Limit on Salary

    • Within the 550 hours, you can earn up to 50% of the annual compensation payable under the employer’s salary schedule for the position or positions, given your level of work experience and education.
    • Any employer-paid health, dental or vision insurance premiums for you, the member, payouts for unused leave, and any other payments or incentives received as a result of the employment count toward this salary limit.
    • If you fill more than one position subject to limits on both hours and salary, the 50% salary limit is based on the annual salary of the highest paid position in which you work at least 20% of your total hours during the school year. 
  • Working in Multiple Positions with Limits

    If you work post-retirement in multiple positions subject to limits, your work limits for the different jobs may be different, depending on your employers and whether the positions require a DESE-issued certificate.

    If you are subject to more than one set of work limits, you must track your work for each separately. When you are reported as working after retirement by your employer(s), you will receive the appropriate Working After Retirement Record form(s) to track your work in each position.

    If you exceed a limit, any work in the position or positions subject to the limit that was exceeded must stop in order for your benefits to resume. If you also work in a separate position subject to a separate limit, that work may continue.

    Example 1

    Mark is retired and working as a part-time certificated teacher for two different PSRS-covered school districts near his home. Mark exceeds his hourly limit at one of those districts in April. In order to resume his benefits, he must end all his certificated post-retirement employment (at both covered employers). If he does so in May, his April and May benefits are not payable, but his benefits will resume in June.

    Example 2

    Mark is retired and working as a part-time certificated teacher for a PSRS-covered employer. He also works in a non-certificated position as a bus driver for the same employer. Mark exceeds his hourly limit for the certificated work in April. In order to for his benefits to resume, he must end his certificated post-retirement employment. If he ends this employment in May, his April and May benefits are not payable, but his benefits resume in June.

    He does not have to stop working in the non-certificated bus driving position since it has a separate work limit that was not exceeded.