Payment of Your Benefit

Because PSRS is a Defined Benefit (DB) plan, your retirement benefits are paid to you for life, no matter which benefit plan you choose. Your benefits are eligible for cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) and are subject to federal and MO state income taxes, if you live in Missouri.

Your monthly benefit payments are made by direct deposit on the last working day of each month starting in the month your retirement becomes effective, and are available for use on that date.

2025 Direct Deposit Schedule
Payment forWill be deposited
JanuaryJanuary 31
FebruaryFebruary 28
MarchMarch 31
AprilApril 30
MayMay 30
JuneJune 30
JulyJuly 31
AugustAugust 29
SeptemberSeptember 30
OctoberOctober 31
NovemberNovember 28
DecemberDecember 31

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