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Governor Appoints Charles "Chuck" Bryant to PSRS/PEERS Board of Trustees

photo of Charles "Chuck" Bryant

Governor Eric Greitens appointed Chuck Bryant of Creve Coeur, Missouri, to the Public School and Education Employee Retirement Systems of Missouri (PSRS/PEERS) Board of Trustees on March 17, 2017. His appointment was confirmed by the Senate on April 13, 2017.

Bryant has more than 20 years of institutional investment experience, and currently serves as director of sales for Kennedy Capital Management in St. Louis, Missouri. He received a Bachelor of Finance degree from Stetson University in Deland, Florida and a Master of Business Administration degree from St. Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri. In addition, Bryant served with honors in the U.S. Army from 1987 to 1991.

He replaces Ron Medin, who was previously appointed to the Board in August 2016 by then-governor Jay Nixon. Bryant’s appointed term ends June 30, 2017.

"We are pleased to welcome Mr. Bryant to the PSRS/PEERS Board of Trustees," said Steve Yoakum, PSRS/PEERS executive director. "His extensive experience and knowledge of institutional investing and pension plans will be of great value to the Systems."

Dr. Aaron Zalis, board chair, also welcomed the addition of Bryant. "We look forward to working with Mr. Bryant," Zalis said. "His experience with investing and retirement funds will be a good addition to the mix of knowledge and experience on our Board."

About the PSRS/PEERS Board of Trustees

The seven-member Board of Trustees oversees the operation and administration of PSRS/PEERS. The function of the Board is to effectively collect contributions; prudently invest assets to obtain optimum returns; equitably provide benefits; and impartially and in accordance with applicable law administer the benefit program.

The Board consists of one elected Public Education Employee Retirement System of Missouri (PEERS) member, three elected Public School Retirement System of Missouri (PSRS) members and three appointed trustees.

  • The four elected trustees are selected by vote of the members and retirees of both Systems. Two are elected each even-numbered calendar year to serve four-year terms.
  • The three appointed trustees, one of whom must be a PEERS or PSRS retiree, are named by the governor.
  • The appointed trustees must be residents of school districts included in the Retirement System, but not employees of such districts, or state employees or state elected officials.

Trustees serve without compensation but are reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred through Board service.

Governor Appoints Charles "Chuck" Bryant to PSRS/PEERS Board of Trustees

photo of Charles "Chuck" Bryant

Governor Eric Greitens appointed Chuck Bryant of Creve Coeur, Missouri, to the Public School and Education Employee Retirement Systems of Missouri (PSRS/PEERS) Board of Trustees on March 17, 2017. His appointment was confirmed by the Senate on April 13, 2017.

Bryant has more than 20 years of institutional investment experience, and currently serves as director of sales for Kennedy Capital Management in St. Louis, Missouri. He received a Bachelor of Finance degree from Stetson University in Deland, Florida and a Master of Business Administration degree from St. Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri. In addition, Bryant served with honors in the U.S. Army from 1987 to 1991.

He replaces Ron Medin, who was previously appointed to the Board in August 2016 by then-governor Jay Nixon. Bryant’s appointed term ends June 30, 2017.

"We are pleased to welcome Mr. Bryant to the PSRS/PEERS Board of Trustees," said Steve Yoakum, PSRS/PEERS executive director. "His extensive experience and knowledge of institutional investing and pension plans will be of great value to the Systems."

Dr. Aaron Zalis, board chair, also welcomed the addition of Bryant. "We look forward to working with Mr. Bryant," Zalis said. "His experience with investing and retirement funds will be a good addition to the mix of knowledge and experience on our Board."

About the PSRS/PEERS Board of Trustees

The seven-member Board of Trustees oversees the operation and administration of PSRS/PEERS. The function of the Board is to effectively collect contributions; prudently invest assets to obtain optimum returns; equitably provide benefits; and impartially and in accordance with applicable law administer the benefit program.

The Board consists of one elected Public Education Employee Retirement System of Missouri (PEERS) member, three elected Public School Retirement System of Missouri (PSRS) members and three appointed trustees.

  • The four elected trustees are selected by vote of the members and retirees of both Systems. Two are elected each even-numbered calendar year to serve four-year terms.
  • The three appointed trustees, one of whom must be a PEERS or PSRS retiree, are named by the governor.
  • The appointed trustees must be residents of school districts included in the Retirement System, but not employees of such districts, or state employees or state elected officials.

Trustees serve without compensation but are reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred through Board service.

Life Events

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Newly Married


If you are recently married, it can impact your beneficiary designations.

A New Parent


Birth or adoption of a child requires you to update your beneficiary designations.

Recently Divorced


If you named your spouse as a beneficiary, divorce means you may need to update your beneficiary designations. Some divorced retirees may also have options for benefit increases, or "pop-ups."



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Apply for service retirement online using Web Member Services, or using paper forms found on this website.

Leaving Your Job


You have options when temporarily or permanently leaving covered employment.

A Working Retiree


It is important to understand post-retirement work limits and how they may impact your benefit payments.

PSRS/PEERS Quick Facts

2024 PSRS/PEERS Quick Facts

For 77 years, we have embraced change for long-term success. We will continue to adapt, evolve and innovate to ensure the ongoing excellence of PSRS/PEERS’ plan design, professional plan management, strong investment performance and outstanding commitment to our more than 307,000 members.

Benefits by County

map of Missouri showing benefits paid to each county

As of December 31, 2023, approximately 110,000 individuals received benefits from PSRS/PEERS. Total annual benefits paid was over $3.7 billion. Of this amount, over $3.3 billion, or 88%, was distributed among Missouri's 114 counties, positively impacting the state's economy.


cropped image of dollar bill, showing percentage of funding sources

PSRS/PEERS' funding comes from three sources, member contributions, employer contributions and investment earnings. Investment earnings are the primary source of funding for every dollar of PSRS/PEERS benefits paid.