Welcome to PSRS/PEERS!
You became a member of when you began working in eligible employment for a participating Missouri public school district. PSRS/PEERS provides thousands of members like you with secure and stable retirement income. But your membership provides more than just retirement benefits. During your working years, PSRS/PEERS also provides financial protection for both you and your family in the event of death or disability.
We encourage all new members to visit Web Member Services, the secure portion of our website, where you can view and update personal information related to your membership and future benefits, including your beneficiary designation and contact information.
It is important to let us know who you would like to designate as your beneficiary(ies) for any benefits that may be payable in the event of your death prior to retirement.
Your membership gives you distinct advantages when working toward a financially secure retirement. Get off to the right start and register for access to Web Member Services today.