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Member Tools

These tools and more are available in Web Member Services, the PSRS/PEERS online, self-service membership information portal. Click the links below if you already have a Web Member Services account or register to activate your account.

Tools for Active Members

Tools for Retirees and Beneficiaries


PSRS/PEERS Selects New Chief Technology Officer

Bill Betts
Bill Betts, PSRS/PEERS Chief Technology Officer

Bill Betts of Jefferson City, MO has been named chief technology officer for the Public School and Education Employee Retirement Systems of Missouri (PSRS/PEERS).

"We are pleased to welcome Bill as a member of the PSRS/PEERS team," said Dearld Snider, PSRS/PEERS assistant executive director, operations. "He brings valuable knowledge and experience to our organization. Not only will Bill be a great asset to our Systems, he will help us continually improve the services, technology and infrastructure that both our members, and our staff, expect and deserve."

Before joining PSRS/PEERS, Mr. Betts worked for the City of Jefferson for almost 10 years, serving as both IT director and finance director. In addition to his computer information systems degree from Lincoln University he is also a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP). Prior to his work with the City of Jefferson, Mr. Betts worked in information technology for the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) and served in the U.S. Marine Corps.

Learn more about the PSRS/PEERS management team.

PSRS/PEERS Selects New Chief Technology Officer

Bill Betts
Bill Betts, PSRS/PEERS Chief Technology Officer

Bill Betts of Jefferson City, MO has been named chief technology officer for the Public School and Education Employee Retirement Systems of Missouri (PSRS/PEERS).

"We are pleased to welcome Bill as a member of the PSRS/PEERS team," said Dearld Snider, PSRS/PEERS assistant executive director, operations. "He brings valuable knowledge and experience to our organization. Not only will Bill be a great asset to our Systems, he will help us continually improve the services, technology and infrastructure that both our members, and our staff, expect and deserve."

Before joining PSRS/PEERS, Mr. Betts worked for the City of Jefferson for almost 10 years, serving as both IT director and finance director. In addition to his computer information systems degree from Lincoln University he is also a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP). Prior to his work with the City of Jefferson, Mr. Betts worked in information technology for the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) and served in the U.S. Marine Corps.

Learn more about the PSRS/PEERS management team.

Life Events

When life brings changes your way, it can also impact your PSRS/PEERS membership. Click below for more information.

A New Member


Welcome! Create a Web Member Services account to stay informed about your membership.

Newly Married


If you are recently married, it can impact your beneficiary designations.

A New Parent


Birth or adoption of a child requires you to update your beneficiary designations.

Recently Divorced


If you named your spouse as a beneficiary, divorce means you may need to update your beneficiary designations. Some divorced retirees may also have options for benefit increases, or "pop-ups."



Keep your contact information up-to-date so we can communicate with you about your membership and ensure benefits are paid according to your wishes.

Ready to Retire


Apply for service retirement online using Web Member Services, or using paper forms found on this website.

Leaving Your Job


You have options when temporarily or permanently leaving covered employment.

A Working Retiree


It is important to understand post-retirement work limits and how they may impact your benefit payments.

PSRS/PEERS Quick Facts

2024 PSRS/PEERS Quick Facts

For 77 years, we have embraced change for long-term success. We will continue to adapt, evolve and innovate to ensure the ongoing excellence of PSRS/PEERS’ plan design, professional plan management, strong investment performance and outstanding commitment to our more than 307,000 members.

Benefits by County

map of Missouri showing benefits paid to each county

As of December 31, 2023, approximately 110,000 individuals received benefits from PSRS/PEERS. Total annual benefits paid was over $3.7 billion. Of this amount, over $3.3 billion, or 88%, was distributed among Missouri's 114 counties, positively impacting the state's economy.


cropped image of dollar bill, showing percentage of funding sources

PSRS/PEERS' funding comes from three sources, member contributions, employer contributions and investment earnings. Investment earnings are the primary source of funding for every dollar of PSRS/PEERS benefits paid.