a photo of the Missouri State Capitol building

Government Relations

While the Missouri legislature is in session (January - May), the PSRS/PEERS Board of Trustees and staff closely monitor any proposed legislation regarding retirement and education. We work with Missouri education associations and other Missouri retirement systems to ensure the best interests of our members are served.

PSRS/PEERS Legislative News Archive

Update on Pending Legislation

Since the General Assembly began the 2021 Legislative Session on January 6, 2021, more than 1,800 bills have been introduced. PSRS/PEERS is closely monitoring over 200 bills. The 2021 Legislative Session ends on May 14, 2021.

Unusual Missouri Legislative Session Ends with Little Impact on PSRS/PEERS

The General Assembly wrapped up the coronavirus-shortened 2020 legislative session on May 15. It was a busy session for PSRS/PEERS, as the Systems tracked over 290 bills, almost double the usual number, with 2,247 total bills introduced and 51 bills passed by both chambers and awaiting action from the governor.

New Law Changes Work Limits for PSRS Retirees Working for Community Colleges

Governor Mike Parson signed legislation that changes the working after retirement limits that apply to Public School Retirement System of Missouri (PSRS) retirees who work for PSRS-covered public two-year (community) colleges.

Passage of Senate Bill 892 Creates New Working After Retirement Rules for PSRS Retirees Working in Non-Certificated Positions

Senate Bill 892 (CCS/SCS/SB 892) passed by the Missouri legislature during the 2018 regular legislative session, was signed by Governor Parson and became law July 5, 2018. The bill changes the statutory limits on work after retirement for those PSRS retirees who work at a PSRS/PEERS-covered employer in a non-certificated position, such as a coach, bus driver, cook or office staff.

New Legislation Impacts PSRS/PEERS and Our Members

Legislation affecting the Public School and Education Employee Retirement Systems of Missouri (PSRS/PEERS) and our members will go into effect August 28, 2017